As a certified pipe organ expert, Luka pursues his vision of integrating history and organ music culture. His passion is to uncover the treasure trove of knowledge and skills of the old masters and the stories of the past connected to them. In the heritage of his ancestors, he discovers the roots of contemporary culture and the foundations of its future.
Luka started his studies in 2011 at the Organ School of the Faculty of Theology in Ljubljana under the guidance of Prof. Polona Gantar. From 2014 to 2017, he continued his studies with Prof. Tomaž Sevšek Šramel. In 2017, he enrolled in organ studies at the Würzburg University of Music, in the class of Prof. Dr Christoph Bossert. Currently, he is completing his Master’s degree in organ and church music at the University of Music FRANZ LISZT in Weimar under Prof. Martin Sturm, and concurrently studying harpsichord at the Würzburg University of Music under the guidance of Prof. Ralf Waldner.
He gained his first experience as an organist and conductor at the Stična Monastery, where he had directed Chorus Sitticensis for five years. He is also co-founder and first president of the cultural association Musica Basilisae Sitticensis Stična.
He participates in master organ seminars at home and abroad, and is also becoming well-known as a lecturer. For example, he was invited as a lecturer to the Organ School in Ljubljana, the Ljubljana Academy of Music, the Summer Organ School in Šibenik and Varaždin, etc. As a certified pipe organ expert, he is today a member of several commissions for the construction of new organs or the renovation of old organs. He is also a member of the Slovenian Organ Society and a collaborator in the promotion of the Orgelkids Slovenia project.
Within the Organistica project, which he co-founded in 2022, he has set himself the goal of establishing a system for documenting and evaluating Slovenian historic organs and, consequently, their preservation. All this is gaining increasing importance both among Slovenian and foreign professionals.
“Understanding the past is the foundation of our future.”
Luka Posavec
With the acquired professional qualification and level of education, Luka aims to fill the gap of missing knowledge in the field of organology in Slovenia and to raise the level of respect and preservation of the precious cultural heritage of historic organs among the professional public. With his professional attitude, he would like to contribute to the promotion and shaping of the development of Slovenian organ culture. His ambition for the future is to establish a system of quality education in the field of organology, in which experts of different profiles can pass on their knowledge and experience to new generations.
Luka strives for teamwork and responsible interpersonal relations, to which his personality traits such as communicativeness, cohesiveness, and a light sense of humour, which comes out even in serious situations, contribute. He brings new experts to his projects and encourages the circulation of knowledge. His energetic character is not lost even in his free time when he finds relaxation in hiking and mountaineering.
[email protected]
T: +386 41 989 991
Certificates and diplomas
- Certifikat Zertifizierter-Orgelsachverständiger-VOD
- Diploma Bachelor of Music, Studienfach Orgel
- Diploma Bachelor of Music, Studienfach Kirchenmusik
- POSAVEC, Luka. Orgle Franca Goršiča, Cerkveni glasbenik (Vol. 113, No. 5), Ljubljana: Založba Družina, 2020, pp. 13-16
- POSAVEC, Luka. Orgle v cerkvi sv. Jakoba v Ljubljani, Cerkveni glasbenik (Vol. 114, No. 2), Ljubljana: Založba Družina, 2021, pp. 11-13
- POSAVEC, Luka. Christoph Wolff, Markus Zepf, Orgle J. S. Bacha/ Die Orgeln J. S. Bachs/, Orglarček (Vol. 3, No. 1), Ljubljana: Orglarska šola v Ljubljani, 2021, pp. 40-41
- POSAVEC, Luka. Orgle Franca Goršiča – raziskovalno dokumentacijski projekt, Ecce Organum, Društvo Jarina Bohinj, 2021, pp. 50-56
- POSAVEC, Luka. Milavčeve orgle v ljubljanski stolnici, Cerkveni glasbenik (Vol. 115, No. 1), Ljubljana: Založba Družina, 2022, pp. 22-23
- POSAVEC, Luka. Mayerjeve orgle v Šentvidu pri Stični, Cerkveni glasbenik (Vol 115, No. 2), Ljubljana: Založba Družina, 2022, pp. 10-11
- POSAVEC, Luka. Projekt » Franc Goršič«, Sveta Cecilija (Vol. XCII, No. 1-2), Zagreb: Glas Koncila, 2022, pp. 19-25
- POSAVEC, Luka. RAZPOTNIK, Aleš. Dokumentacija orgel v župnijski cerkvi v Šentvidu pri Stični, Ecce Organum, Društvo Jarina Bohinj, 2022, pp. 3-64
- POSAVEC, Luka. Das Chef d’Œuvre steht in Ljubljana – Journal für die Orgel (2022/03), Verlag Schott Music, 2022, pp. 32-37
- POSAVEC, Luka. Oče nemške orgelske romantike, Cerkveni glasbenik (Vol. 115, No. 5), Ljubljana: Založba Družina, 2202, p. 11
- POSAVEC, Luka. Novosti projekta Franc Goršič, Cerkveni glasbenik (Vol. 115, No. 6), Ljubljana: Založba Družina, 2022, pp. 9-10
- POSAVEC, Luka. RAZPOTNIK, Aleš. Nove orgle v župnijski cerkvi svetega Vida v Šentvidu pri Stični, Šentvid pri Stični: Župnijski urad Šentvid pri Stični, 2023, pp. 6-37, 39-41
- POSAVEC, Luka. Karol Kriegl in njegov opus, Ecce Organum, Društvo Jarina Bohinj, 2023, pp. 3-18
- POSAVEC, Luka. RAZPOTNIK, Aleš. Dokumentacija orgel v podružnični cerkvi nadangela Mihaela na Olševku, Ecce Organum, Društvo Jarina Bohinj, 2023, pp. 19-54
- POSAVEC, Luka. Nove orgle v cerkvi sv. Vida v Šentvidu, Bilten 52. tabora slovenskih pevskih zborov, Šentvid pri Stični, 2023, pp. 26-29
- POSAVEC, Luka. Ivan Milavec i njegove orgulje u ljubljanskoj katedrali, Sveta Cecilija (Vol. XCIII, No. 1-2), Zagreb: Glas Koncila, 2023, pp. 30-36
- POSAVEC, Luka. Goršičeve orgle kot spomenik kulturne dediščine, Mengšan (Vol. XXX, No. 7), Mengeš: Občina Mengeš, 2023, pp. 26-27
- POSAVEC, Luka. Odkrita zapuščina Ivana Milavca, Cerkveni glasbenik (Vol. 116, No. 3), Ljubljana: Založba Družina, 2023, pp. 10-11
- POSAVEC, Luka. Fischerjeva Ariadne Musica v Crngrobu, Ecce Organum, Društvo Jarina Bohinj, 2023, pp. 3–24
- POSAVEC, Luka, Po sledeh orgelske romantike v Ljubljani, Orglarska šola v Ljubljani, 2024, pp. 4-7, 12–16
- POSAVEC, Luka, Po sledeh slovenske orgelske romantike (Franc Goršič in Ivan Milavec), 2024, pp. 4–13
- POSAVEC, Luka, Predaja zapuščine Ivana Milavca, Cerkveni glasbenik (Vol. 117, No. 1), Ljubljana: Založba Družina, 2024, pp. 18–19
- POSAVEC, Luka. RAZPOTNIK, Aleš. Dokumentacija orgel v župnijski cerkvi sv. Jurija v Izlakah (Peter Rumpel, 1850), Ecce Organum, Društvo Jarina Bohinj, 2024, pp. 3–35
- POSAVEC, Luka. Projekt obnove Milavčevih orgulja u katedrali sv. Nikole, Sveta Cecilija (Vol. XCIX, No. 1-2), Zagreb: Glas Koncila, 2024, pp. 60 –61
- POSAVEC, Luka. RAZPOTNIK, Aleš. Dokumentacija orgel v župnijski cerkvi sv. Lenarta v Sostrem, Brata Zupan, 1899, Op. 71, Ecce Organum, Društvo Jarina Bohinj, 2024, pp. 3–61
- POSAVEC, Luka. Obnova Milavčevih orgel v ljubljanski stolnici, Cerkveni glasbenik (Vol. 117, No. 2), Ljubljana: Založba Družina, 2024, p. 18
- POSAVEC, Luka. Po sledeh orgelske romantike z Martinom Sturmom, Cerkveni glasbenik (Vol. 117, No. 2), Ljubljana: Založba Družina, 2024, pp. 23-24
- POSAVEC, Luka. KLANČIČ Gregor. Glasba in zgodovina orgel v ljubljanski stolnici, Obnova Milavčevih orgel, project launch brochure, Ljubljana Cathedral of St. Nicholas, 2024, pp. 7-9
- POSAVEC, Luka. Ivan Milavec in njegov op. 26, Obnova Milavčevih orgel, project launch brochure, Ljubljana Cathedral of St. Nicholas, 2024, pp. 11-13
- POSAVEC, Luka. KLANČIČ Gregor. SEVŠEK ŠRAMEL Tomaž. Slovenski orgelski dan 2024. Orgelska pot po središču Ljubljane. Brochure on the occasion of the presentation of the project for the restoration of the Milavec organ in the Ljubljana Cathedral, 2024
- POSAVEC, Luka. DOBRAVEC Jurij. RAZPOTNIK, Aleš. Ivan Milavec 150, Exhibition on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the organ builder’s birth and the beginning of the restoration of his organ in the Ljubljana cathedral, 2024
Publications in the media
- Ljubljana Polje parish publication, Orgelski koncert, Ljubljana, April 2018, p. 6
- Ljubljana St. James parish publication, Klasična sakralna glasba, Ljubljana, October 2019, p. 2
- Luka Posavec, Luka Posavec, Cerkveni glasbenik (Vol. 113, No. 5), Ljubljana: Založba Družina, 2020, p. 5
- Šentvid pri Stični parish publication, Načrtovanje novih orgel, Šentvid pri Stični, November 2021, p. 6
- Šentvid pri Stični parish publication, Nove šentviške orgle bodo izdelali v Orglarstvu Močnik, Šentvid pri Stični, December 2021, p. 6
- Šentvid pri Stični parish publication, Mojster Močnik že pripravlja načrte za nove šentviške orgle, Šentvid pri Stični, January 2022, p. 6
- Šentvid pri Stični parish publication, Načrti za nove orgle v zaključni fazi, Šentvid pri Stični, February 2022, p. 6
- Šentvid pri Stični parish publication, Nove orgle bodo ohranjale dediščino naših prednikov, Šentvid pri Stični, March 2022, p. 6
- Ljubljana Polje parish publication, Orgelski koncert, Ljubljana, April 2022, p. 7
- Šentvid pri Stični parish publication, Stare orgle so se poslovile, Šentvid pri Stični, July 2022, p. 6
- Katarina Berden, Ko je policistom povedal, da je sredi noči vadil na Bachovih orglah, so mislili, da se norčuje, Aleteia, 28. 8. 2022
- Luka Posavec, Zgodba o sladkorni bolezni in glasbi v mojem življenju, Sladkorčki (Vol. 2022, No. 1 in 2), Ljubljana: Društvo za pomoč otrokom s presnovnimi motnjami, p. 50
- Beti Burger, Vsake orgle so svet zase, Delo, 17. 3. 2023, p. 12
- Miro Pivar, Znamenite Goršičeve orgle v župniji sv. Mihaela v Mengšu bodo deležne obnove,, 23. 4. 2023
- Aleksandra Gartnar Kastelic, Organist in orgelski izvedenec Luka Posavec, Glasna (Vol. 54, No. 2), Ljubljana: Zveza glasbene mladine Slovenije, pp. 34-35
- Neža Hribar, Priprave na obnovo orgel v Mengšu, Cerkveni glasbenik (Vol. 116, No. 2), Ljubljana: Založba Družina, 2023, p. 17
- Jurij Dobravec, Nove orgle v Šentvidu pri Stični, Cerkveni glasbenik (Vol. 116, No. 4), Ljubljana: Založba Družina, 2023, p. 23
- Publication on the 20th anniversary of the organ department, Nove orgle Glasbene šole Škofja Loka, Škofja Loka, 2023
- Barbara De Costa, Slovenski orgelski ciklus 2023, Cerkveni glasbenik (Vol. 116, No. 5-6), Ljubljana: Založba Družina, 2023, p. 21
- Ljubljana Polje parish publication, 25. letnica orgel, Ljubljana, February 2024, p. 9
- organ_Journal für die Orgel, Das Orgelerbe Sloweniens, Verlag Schott Music, 2024, pp. 4-5
- Department of Sacred Music, Academy of Music, University of Ljubljana, Dnevi orgel, 2024
- Katja Zver, Zaživela nova spletna stran za oživljanje orgelske dediščine,, 10. 7. 2024
- Nataša Ličen, ORGANISTICA – spletna stran orglarske dediščine, Radio Ognjišče, radio broadcast Mladoskop, 26. 7. 2024
- Ljubljana Polje parish publication, Servis orgel, Ljubljana, August 2024, p. 5
- Ljubljana Polje parish publication, Servis orgel, Ljubljana, September 2024, p. 8
- Šentvid pri Stični parish publication, Inavguracijski orgelski koncert, Šentvid pri Stični, September 2024, p. 6
- Ljubljana Polje parish publication, Servis orgel, Ljubljana, October 2024, p. 9
- Šentvid pri Stični parish publication, Orgelski cikel: Zvočne impresije romantike z domačimi in tujimi virtuozi, Šentvid pri Stični, October 2024, p. 6
- Publication Orgelski cikel, Zvočne impresije romantike z domačimi in tujimi virtuozi, parish Šentvid pri Stični, October 2024
- Marko Mesojedec, Začela se bo dolgo pričakovana obnova Milavčevih orgel v ljubljanski stolnici,, 6. 10. 2024
- Jože Bartolj, Luka Posavec o koncertnem ciklu v Šentvidu pri Stični, Radio Ognjišče, radio broadcast Kulturni utrinki, 8. 10. 2024
- Tadeja Petrovčič Jerina, Slovesen začetek projekta obnove Milavčevih orgel v ljubljanski stolnici,, 23. 10. 2024
- Neža Mrevlje, Obnova stolnih orgel,, 25. 10. 2024
- Začela se bo dolgo pričakovana obnova Milavčevih orgel v ljubljanski stolnici,, 20. 10. 2024
- Ljubljana-Polje parish publication, Predstavitev orgel, Ljubljana, November 2024, p. 7